Its been almost 3 weeks now since the show, and time seems to have flown by.
Thanks to everyone who attended a performance, we quite possibly had the largest Hawarden Players audience to date for a play, and its safe to say the feedback from them has been overwhelmingly positive!
One such audience member took to commenting the following on our facebook page:
Went to the performance on Friday – fantastic! Two plays in one – the inept “ladies” of the fictional “drama guild”, and the tale of Macbeth. All performed brilliantly by the cast of the Hawarden Players. Well done.
Cast and Crew worked exceptionally hard from the moment we got into theatre once again, and we would like to say a huge thank you to those who didn’t stop especially in the week leading up to the performance!
Here is a video of a few snippets of the show from the first rehearsal we had in Hawkesbury Theatre, about a month prior to performance (on the night we were also aided by a fantastic set, superb costumes, and amazing props).
Pictures of the entire show taken during the dress rehearsal are available on our Farndale Avenue’s Macbeth Photo Page
We are currently on our (well earned) summer break, and will reunite in September, to go over plans for the annual Hawarden Players pantomime. We will also be holding a recruitment evening, where we invite potential members to pop along, have a chat with current members of the group, and see what lies ahead for the Players, welcoming you to join in the fun.
For more information regarding the recruitment evening, and our next performance keep checking the website.