Curtain Call – May 2010


The up’s and down’s of a life in theatre

Directed by Jane Nugent, Bettine Manktelow’s comedy depicts an amusingly chaotic day in the life of Alec Partridge, Manager of the Thurlow Playhouse. He has a lot to deal with: Doreta Mason, director of an amateur production of Oklahoma at the theatre, upsets the stage crew with her demands for real horses in the show; Ms Murdstone, the far from genial agent from the Arts Council, arrives to assess the theatre’s eligibility for a grant; the Front of House manager’s flirty ways upset Alec’s secretary Val and, worst of all, Doreta’s husband Clarence, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, appears on the scene, bringing negotiation skills reminiscent of Attila the Hun, to bear on the ever-worsening situation. All ends happily (for most of them), but not before quite a few harsh words have been spoken.

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Curtain Call – written by Bettine Manktelow

Directed by Jane Nugent

Set designed by Steve Burdsall

The cast for Curtain Call (in order of appearance) was:

Character          –               Actor

Val Marshall            Fiona Burdsall
Alec Partridge                  Dan Ellis
Lulu Lynchpin               Jan Meeker
Doreta Mason         Denise Garland
Murphy                             Ian Bandy
Rita                                 Sian Parry
Ms Murdstone          Sheila McCann
Clarence Mason   Steve Lancashire

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