Ready to return to the allotment?

The Hawarden Players are just days away from returning to the stage in ‘Potting On’, written by our own Fiona Burdsall!

Here’s a sneeky peek of what can be expected on stage as we return to the allotment first encountered in our 2016 comedy ‘Gone To Pot’

So we are about to find out how our favourite allotment users have fared over the last few years and also introduce you all to some new additions!
The main questions being, can Darren and Anthony manage a weekend without their wives without too much disaster? Will Bunny get her way and make the allotments more ‘exclusive ‘? Will Blodwen get her wicked way with the long suffering Travers? And most importantly, just what are the Timmins sisters up to?
Add to that a poonami, phone a friend and some serious news from a son to his father, and the allotment goers are back in fine form! Now then. Who’s for a nice cup of tea?
Directed by Michael Gilliland, performances of Potting On take place Thursday 27th, Friday 28th and Saturday 29th July 2023, and tickets can be purchased via this link
Alternatively you can get tickets by calling Box Office 01244 543229 or on the door on the evening of performances
See you on the patch!

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