Well, Summer is over, and the group are about to meet up once more, and begin rehearsals for pantomime!
So now seems like the perfect moment to announce what the show will be….. (Drumroll sound effect)
Camelot: A Knight To Remember will be our chairperson, Fiona Burdsall’s fourth consecutive self scripted pantomime for performance by the Hawarden Players.
Every year her scripts are praised for their plot, characters and for how much fun the provide audience members. We are certain this year will be no different!
The group will be having our first meeting of the season, and informal readthrough on Tuesday 12th September, followed by auditions for parts on Thursday 14th September. Both meetings will take place at the Hawarden Institute at 8pm.
We would love to see some new faces coming along to meet the group and join in the panto foolishness, so if you are interested, please feel free to drop by for either meeting, or drop us a message at hawarden.players@gmail.com to ask any questions you may have!
Keep checking the website, and our Facebook and Twitter pages for all the latest news